LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of Spring by "Michael Fairless" (pseudonym of Margaret Fairless Barber). This was the F…
Conrad described the twenty-six essays collected here as a "one-man show" comprising "Conrad literary, Conrad political, Conr…
The first chapter of a book is often the hook to draw a reader in. It could make you eager for more or realize it isn't for you. Here we off…
Memoirs written by Napoleon's private secretary, "a work based on years of intimate friendship and professional association." - S…
Volume 10 of the lives of some eminent painters, sculptors and architects in history. - Summary by Michele Eaton
De door Charles Dickens bewerkte autobiografie van Joseph Grimaldi (1778-1837). De eerste clown die zijn gezicht wit schminkte.
This year is the 13th anniversary of our beloved LibriVox. The readings in this collection celebrate that "bunch of volunteers" wh…
Being an account of the strange and wonderful workings of science in the land of the free, A.D. 1933-1940. (Summary by author)
British Army officer and ethnographer AB Ellis was known for his writings on West Africa. His final publication takes an anthropological mag…
"When money gives out, sense ensues." This pithy saying is from Yugoslav Proverbs, one of the twenty reader-chosen selections in v…