Classics (Antiquity)

Herodotus' Histories Vol 2

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Histories of Herodotus of Halicarnassus is considered the first work of history in Western literature. Written about 440 BC, the Histori…

On the Nature of Things (Watson translation)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Titus Lucretius Carus

Written in the first century b.C., On the Nature of Things (in Latin, De Rerum Natura) is a poem in six books that aims at explaining the Ep…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Economics (Greek: ΟΙΚΟΝΟΜΙΚΑ; Latin: Oeconomica) may not have been written by Aristotle. The author provides examples of methods used by the…

On the Nature of the Gods

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Marcus Tullius Cicero

De Natura Deorum (On the Nature of the Gods) outlines Stoic, Epicurean and Academic (Skeptical) views on religious questions. Problems discu…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Xenophon the Athenian was born 431 B.C. He was a pupil of Socrates. He marched with the Spartans, and was exiled from Athens. Sparta gave hi…

The Odyssey (Version 3)

Read by Mark Nelson


The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad, the other Homeric epic.…

On Interpretation

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Aristotle's On Interpretation (Greek Περὶ Ἑρμηνείας or Peri Hermeneias) or De Interpretatione (the Latin title) is the second of Aristotle's…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This is the final installment in Sophocles' Theban Plays, following Oedipus Rex and Oedipus at Colonus. Oedipus's daughter Antigone deliber…


Read by Kevin Johnson


This dialogue brings Socrates face to face with the famous sophist Gorgias and his followers. It is a work likely completed around the time …

Ten Books on Architecture

Read by Fredrik Karlsson

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio

On Architecture is a treatise on architecture written by the Roman architect Vitruvius and dedicated to his patron, the emperor Caesar Augus…


Read by Kevin Johnson


This is an incomplete dialogue from the late period of Plato's life. Plato most likely created it after Republic and it contains the famous …

The Morals (Moralia), Book 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lucius Mestrius Plutarchus

The Moralia (or The morals or Matters relating to customs and mores) is a work by the 1st-century Greek scholar Plutarch of Chaeronea. It is…

Los Nibelungos

Read by Victor Villarraza

Anonymoustranslated Byantonio Fernandez Merino, Unknowntranslated Byantonio Fernandez Merino and Translated Byantonio Fernandez Merino

En el Cantar de los nibelungos se narra la gesta de Sigfrido, un cazador de dragones de la corte de los burgundios, quien valiéndose …

Stories of Old Greece and Rome

Read by Kevin Green

Emilie Kip Baker

The Stories of Old Greece and Rome is an easy to read summary of all of the famous and not so famous Greek and Roman mythological stories. A…

Libro II de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Las Historias (en griego antiguo ἱστορίαι historíai 'aproximaciones, investigaciones') de Heródoto de Halicarnaso (484–despu&e…

The Natural History Volume 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Pliny the Elder

Naturalis Historia (Latin for "Natural History") is an encyclopedia published circa AD 77-79 by Pliny the Elder. It is one of the …


Read by Simon-Peter Zak


In Plato's ION, Socrates questions Ion, whether he should really claim laud and glory for his 'rhapsodic' recitals of Homer's poetry.—Descri…

De Anima

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


On the Soul (Greek Περὶ Ψυχῆς (Perì Psūchês), Latin De Anima) is a major treatise by Aristotle on the nature of living things. …

The Aeneid, prose translation

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


The Aeneid is the most famous Latin epic poem, written by Virgil in the 1st century BC. The story revolves around the legendary hero Aeneas,…

The Odysseys of Homer

Read by Phil Schempf


The Odysseys are a collection of stories about Ulysses' journey home from the war at Troy purportedly written in the 8th century BCE by Home…

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