Classics (Antiquity)

Posterior Analytics

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Posterior Analytics is the fourth of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). Po…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Euripides' tragedy focuses on the disintegration of the relationship between Jason, the hero who captured the Golden Fleece, and Medea, the …

Critón o el deber

Read by Tux


Diálogo entre Sócrates y Critón, horas antes de la ejecución del filósofo, en que se trata del deber. Su…

Fábulas, volume 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


Esopo é um lendário autor grego, que teria vivido na Antigüidade, ao qual se atribui a paternidade da fábula como …

Tacitus' Histories

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Publius Cornelius Tacitus

The Histories was written between 110 and 100 B.C. It covered the Year of Four Emperors following the downfall of Nero, the rise of Vespasia…


Read by redaer


Ilias von Homer (vermutlich gegen Ende des 8. Jahrhunderts v. Chr.).Ein herrliches Epos, welches viele Erkenntnisse über die menschlich…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Categories (Lat. Categoriae, Greek Κατηγορίαι Katēgoriai) is the first of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the…

Prior Analytics

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Prior Analytics is the third of Aristotle's six texts on logic which are collectively known as the Organon ("Instrument"). In Prio…

The Dhammapada (Version 2)

Read by Jothi Tharavant

Unknowntranslated Byf. Max Müller

- A Collection of Verses Being One of the Canonical Books of the BuddhistsDhammapada means "The path of Dharma." The Pali word Dha…

Twenty Two Goblins

Read by KirksVoice

Daṇḍin, Anonymoustranslated Byarthur William Ryder and William James Mcglothlin

These 22 stories are told by the Goblin to the King Vikram. King Vikram faces many difficulties in bringing the vetala to the tantric. Each …

Parva Naturalia

Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Parva Naturalia [the "short treatises on nature" (a conventional Latin title first used by Giles of Rome)] is a collection of book…

Libro III de la Historia de Heródoto

Read by Tux


Las Historias de Heródoto de Halicarnaso (484–después del 430 a. C.) es una obra que tiene como objetivo narrar las Guerras M&…

Des Sokrates Verteidigung (Apologie)

Read by redaer


Platon (427 v. Chr.–348 v. Chr.) läßt Sokrates sein Leben darstellen und beurteilen sowie seine Einstellung zum Tod. Überset…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Marcus Aurelius

El emperador romano Marco Aurelio además de ser recordado por su buen gobierno, ha pasado a la posteridad por esta obra singular&iacu…

The Mabinogion, Volume 1

Read by Martin Geeson

Anonymoustranslated Bycharlotte Guest and William James Mcglothlin

Sample a moment of magic realism from the Red Book of Hergest:On one side of the river he saw a flock of white sheep, and on the other a flo…


Read by Geoffrey Edwards


Sophist (Ancient Greek: Σοφιστής) discusses being and not-being while drawing a distinction between the philosopher and the sophist. - Summa…

That Christ Is One

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

St. Cyril of Alexandria and Cyril Of Alexandria

Cyril of Alexandria was the leading voice of Nicene orthodoxy in the Christological controversies between Constantinople (381) and Chalcedon…

On the Ends of Good and Evil

Read by Geoffrey Edwards

Marcus Tullius Cicero

On the Ends of Good and Evil (Latin: DE FINIBUS BONORUM ET MALORUM) discusses Skeptic, Epicurean, Stoic, Peripatetic and Academic views on t…


Read by Kevin Johnson


Jowett, in his always informative introduction, sees this dialogue as transitional between the early and middle dialogues. Socrates meets wi…

The Annals Vol 1

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Publius Cornelius Tacitus

The Annals was Tacitus' final work, covering the period from the death of Augustus Caesar in the year 14. He wrote at least 16 books, but bo…

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