Crime & Mystery Fiction

The Prelude To Adventure

Read by David Wales

Hugh Walpole

Olva Dune is a Cambridge undergraduate who commits a murder and at that moment feels the presence of God. In a tour de force Walpole noveliz…

The Green Mummy

Read by Yoganandh T

Fergus Hume

An eccentric Professor's quest for a green mummy leads him and his acquaintances to a murder and a bizarre adventure - Summary by Yoganandh …

The Quest for the Rose of Sharon

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Burton Egbert Stevenson

This tale of mystery and its solution contains all the elements which go to make a fascinating story, in which one’s sympathies are awakened…

Nothing More Than Murder

Read by Ben Tucker

Jim Thompson

Joe Wilmot is a big fish in a small pond, running the premiere movie house in town with a wife who hates him and a housemaid who wants to ge…

The Case With Nine Solutions

Read by Howard Skyman

Alfred Walter Stewart

This book was written by Alfred Walter Stewart under the pseudonym J.J. Connington:Sir Clinton Driffield is a respected police professional …

The Shooting Party

Read by Bryn Roberts

Anton Chekhov

"The Shooting Party" is a mystery, set in the Russian countryside. The story revolves around the murder of a beautiful young woman…

Nelly Channell

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Sarah Doudney

Another fascinating book by the author of A Vanished Hand. Rhoda returns home after the death of her employer to find out that her cousin He…

The Bat (Version 2 Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Mary Roberts Rinehart

A Mysterious killer—Man? Beast? Or devil?—spreading terror throughout a nation, flouting law and lawless alike … Curious GOINGS-ON in a hous…

Knock Three-One-Two

Read by Ben Tucker

Fredric Brown

A serial killer is on the loose and is thirsting for another kill. Meanwhile sad sack loser Ray Fleck, compulsive gambler, has racked up a …

The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Hogg

An early example of a psychological mystery and modern crime fiction, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner details the …

Fräulein Detektiv

Read by SowasVon

Matthias Mcdonnell Bodkin and Matthias McDonnell Bodkin

Im ausgehenden viktorianischen Zeitalter löst Dora Myrl als Privatdetektivin (oder "Geheimpolizistin") die unterschiedlichste…

The Ponson Case

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Freeman Wills Crofts

Where is Sir William? His butler and valet are concerned. He disappeared after dinner and is late retiring to bed. Did Sir William walk over…

The House Without a Key (Version 2)

Read by ashleighjane

Earl Derr Biggers

In this murder mystery, the main character is the victim’s nephew, a straitlaced young Bostonian bond trader, who came to the islands to tr…


Read by Ben Tucker

Cornell Woolrich

Dark crime fiction author Cornell Woolrich (real name George Hopley) brings us this show-stopping collection of grim and twisted stories of …

Murder Mistress

Read by Ben Tucker

Robert Colby

Scott Daniels is a washed up showbiz announcer who hit the bottle a few too many times and blew his big chance. But he starts to think his l…

Owen Clancy's Run Of Luck

Read by Howard Skyman

Burt L. Standish

Owen Clancy befriends a lad he saves from peril. He and his friend foil a nefarious plot. - Summary by Howard Skyman

Paved With Gold

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Augustus Mayhew

The expressed goal of this book is to "write a truthful account of the miseries of criminal life" (from the preface). Thus, this b…

The Silk Stocking Murders

Read by James R. Hedrick

Anthony Berkeley

A ROGER SHERINGHAM MYSTERY. When the daughter of a country parson goes missing in London, Roger Sheringham receives a letter from her father…

The Florentine Dagger

Read by Tom Penn

Ben Hecht

The police say it was suicide. The daughter says it was suicide. The daughter's fiance is sure it was murder, but who did it? The daughter?…

Armadale - 1. Band

Read by josvanaken

Wilkie Collins

„Armadale” ist ein Roman des englischen Schriftstellers Wilkie Collins, der als „erster Kriminalroman” der modernen Geschichte des 19. Jahrh…

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