Essays & Short Works

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 007

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A collection of fifteen short nonfiction works in the public domain. The essays, speeches, news items and reports included in this collectio…

The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851-52

Read by rachelellen

Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe

Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clappe moved to California from Massachusetts during the Gold Rush of the mid-1800’s. During her travels, Louise w…

Of the Injustice of Counterfeiting Books

Read by D.E. Wittkower

Immanuel Kant

This essay of Kant’s on copyright argues that the unlicensed copying of books cannot possibly be permissible, due to the fact that it assume…

My First Book

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


This is not a children's book, as may be supposed from the title, but a collection of essays first published in The Idler magazine, in which…

In Defense of Harriet Shelley

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

Mark Twain pulls no punches while exposing the "real" Percy Shelley in this scathing condemnation of Edward Dowden's "Life of…

Devotions Upon Emergent Occasions Together With Death's Duel

Read by David Wales

John Donne

Devotions upon Emergent Occasions is a 1624 prose work by the English theologian and writer John Donne, Dean of St. Paul’s Cathedral in Lond…

Oxford Book of American Essays

Read by James E. Carson


Collection of 32 essays by American authors ranging from Benjamin Franklin to Emerson to Whitman to Henry James to Theodore Roosevelt. On su…

Of All Things

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Robert C. Benchley

A collection of amusing essays satirizing serious consideration of topics including natural history, social etiquette, or indeed, civilized …

Chocolate: or, An Indian Drinke

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Antonio Colmenero De Ledesma

The Author sings the praises of Chocolate. "By the wise and Moderate use whereof, Health is preserved, Sicknesse Diverted, and Cured, e…

Idle Ideas in 1905

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jerome K. Jerome

Back in 1905 Jerome K. Jerome shared his thoughts on a variety of subjects, including "Should Women Be Beautiful?", "Should S…

Sammlung kurzer deutscher Prosa 042

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Diese Sammlung umfasst 15 deutschsprachige Prosa-Texte verschiedener Genres."Eine Bagatelle" und "Die letzte Mohikanerin"…

Die Neue Malerei

Read by Dirk Weber

Franz Moritz Wilhelm Marc

Franz Moritz Wilhelm Marc (* 8. Februar 1880 in München; † 4. März 1916 bei Verdun, Frankreich) war ein deutscher Maler und neben …

LibriVox 8th Anniversary Collection

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

For the past few years we have celebrated the anniversary of LibriVox with a collection loosely themed on the number of the anniversary year…

Essays and Literary Studies

Read by TriciaG

Stephen Leacock

A collection of wry looks at literature, education, and other social phenomena by Canadian humourist and economics professor, Stephen Leacoc…

Fenimore Cooper's Literary Offences (Version 2)

Read by John Greenman

Mark Twain

This is Mark Twain's vicious and amusing review of Fenimore Cooper's literary art. It is still read widely in academic circles. Twain's essa…

Le pédagogue n'aime pas les enfants

Read by Pauline Latournerie

Henri Roorda

Dans cet essai publié en 1917, Henri Roorda (1870-1925) fait une critique de la pédagogie scolaire, tout à la fois joye…

The Fireside Chats

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Franklin D. Roosevelt

President Franklin Delano Roosevelt thirty radio addresses made throughout his terms as President of the United States between 1933 and 1944…

Short Nonfiction Collection Vol. 015

Read by LibriVox Volunteers


A collection of short nonfiction works in the public domain. The essays, speeches and reports included in this collection were independently…

The Common Reader

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Virginia Woolf

A collection of essays by Virginia Woolf, some of which originally appeared in the Times Literary Supplement or the Dial, and others were or…

Stage Land

Read by David Muncaster

Jerome K. Jerome

A comic look at the curious habits and customs of the inhabitants of 'Stage Land'. Dedicated to 'that highly respectable but unnecessarily r…

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