Literary Fiction

Nicht der Mörder, der Ermordete ist schuldig

Read by Boris

Franz Werfel

Karl Duschek steht im Schatten seines dominanten, strengen, unerbittlichen Vaters, der ein äußerst erfolgreicher Offizier der KuK…

Nada menos que todo un hombre

Read by Mongope

Miguel De Unamuno

Alejandro, es un hombre muy rico llegado de no se sabe dónde y quizá con un pasado traumático. Es un hombre sencillo, p…


Read by Hans Hafen

Theodor Fontane

Die junge Ernestine Rehbein, genannt Stine, lebt in einfachen kleinbürgerlichen Verhältnissen bei ihrer verwitweten Schwester Paul…

Los Miserables: Tomo III

Read by Mongope

Victor Hugo

En este tercer volumen aparece Marius. Mario es criado por su abuelo, éste le hace creer que su padre, un coronel del ejército…

Three Stories & Ten Poems

Read by KevinS

Ernest Hemingway

The author arranged for this collection of three short stories and ten poems to be printed in a small run of 300 copies in Dijon (France.) T…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Emile, or On Education or Émile, or Treatise on Education (French: Émile, ou De l’éducation) was published in 1762 in F…

Der Zweikampf

Read by Boris

Heinrich von Kleist

Im späten Mittelalter wird der Adlige Herzog Wilhelm von Breysach heimtückisch durch einen Pfeil ermordet. Die Nachforschungen erg…

Father Goriot

Read by James E. Carson

Honoré de Balzac

One of Balzac's most popular works, set around 1815 during the re-ascendancy of the Bourbon kings following the defeat of Napoleon. Said to …

The House of the Seven Gables (Version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Nathaniel Hawthorne

The House of the Seven Gables is a gloomy New England mansion, haunted from its foundation by fraudulent dealings, accusations of witchcraft…

Casa Velha

Read by Felipe Vale da Silva

Joaquim Maria Machado De Assis

Com o fim de escrever um livro sobre a história do Primeiro Reinado, um cônego procura conhecer uma casa onde morou um ex-minis…

Frau Bovary

Read by Boris

Gustave Flaubert

Emma Bovary ist unglücklich: sie ist mit einem rechtschaffenen Arzt verheiratet, der sie gut behandelt, jedoch nicht die Erfüllung…

Lady Barbarina

Read by Nicholas Clifford (1930-2019)

Henry James

Rich and beautiful American girls heading to England to find themselves noble titles through marriage, and using their New World wealth to p…

El País del Placer

Read by Victor Villarraza

Edith Wharton

El país del placer llamada así por la primera traducción en español de esta novela de Edith Wharton publicada po…

In Our Time

Read by KevinS

Ernest Hemingway

This is the first edition of Hemingway's in our time, published in a very small run in France in 1924. And American edition was released the…

Max Havelaar

Read by Anna Simon


“Max Havelaar, of de koffij-veilingen der Nederlandsche Handel-Maatschappij” is in 1860 geschreven door Multatuli (pseudoniem van Eduard Dou…

Contes du jour et de la nuit

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Guy de Maupassant

Dans cette compilation de 27 contes parfois tristes, horribles, marrants ou même fantastiques, Guy de Maupassant (1850-1893) montre de…

Bunner Sisters

Read by Margaret Espaillat

Edith Wharton

“Bunner Sisters,” like “The Age of Innocence” is set in 1870s New York, however the lives of Ann Eliza and Evelina Bunner reflect impoverish…

The Master of Ballantrae

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Robert Louis Stevenson

Heir to a noble Scottish house in the mid 18th century, the Master is a charming, clever, and resourceful villain whose daring but ill-advis…

The Lost Girl

Read by Tony Foster

D. H. Lawrence

"There is no mistake about it, Alvina was a lost girl. She was cut off from everything she belonged to."In this most under-valued …

Вешние воды (Veshnie Vody)

Read by tovarisch

Ivan Turgenev

Основное повествование ведётся как воспоминания 52-летнего дворянина и помещика Санина о событиях 30-летней давности, случившихся в его жизн…

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