Literary Fiction

La muerte de Ivan Ilitch

Read by Victor Villarraza

Leo Tolstoy

La muerte de Iván Ilich (ruso: Смерть Ивана Ильича, Smert Ivana Ilichá), publicada por primera vez en 1886, es una novela cort…

Christmas Books

Read by Hamlet

Charles Dickens

From 1843 to 1848, Charles Dickens wrote a series of five novellas to be published at Christmas. Most people are familiar with the first, &…

Oliver Twist (version 5 Dramatic Reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Charles Dickens

When orphaned Oliver Twist asks for more food, the workhouse board are horrified and immediately pack him off to work for an undertaker, who…

La fille aux yeux d'or

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Honoré de Balzac

Au cours d’une promenade, le comte Henri de Marsay, un dandy féroce investi d’un pouvoir qui lui permet de plier toute personne &agra…


Read by Elizabeth Klett

Christina Rossetti

Maude is a novella by Christina Rossetti, written in 1850 but published posthumously in 1897. Considered by scholars to be semi-autobiograph…

Northanger Abbey (version 4)

Read by Tony Addison

Jane Austen

If it is a truth universally acknowledged that a good-looking girl cannot fail of attracting a clever young man does it follow that the reve…

Billy Budd

Read by ScientificMethodist

Herman Melville

Young naive sailor Billy Budd is impressed into military service with the British navy in the 1790s, framed for conspiracy to mutiny, summar…

Le Avventure d'Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Lewis Carroll

Traduzione italiana del celebre romanzo fantastico di Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (meglio noto sotto lo pseudonimo di Lewis Carroll) fatta dal …

Noli Me Tangere (The Social Cancer)

Read by Availle

José Rizal

Noli Me Tangere (Latin for Touch Me Not) is a novel by the National Hero of the Philippines, Dr. José Rizal. It was originally writte…


Read by LibriVox Volunteers

José Maria de Eça de Queirós and José Maria De Eça De Queirós

José Maria Eça de Queirós nasceu na Póvoa de Varzim (Portugal) a 25 de Novembro de 1845 e faleceu em Paris (Fran…

Bahnwärter Thiel

Read by Eva K.

Gerhart Hauptmann

Die Novelle "Bahnwärter Thiel" entstand 1887 und gehört zu den herausragenden Werken des Naturalismus. Thiel ist ein in …

Hans of Iceland

Read by Sonia

Victor Hugo

Hans of Iceland was written in 1821 and is the very first novel written by young Victor, years before he became the great Hugo. It has all t…

Royal Highness

Read by Margaret Espaillat

Thomas Mann

Royal Highness is the story of Prince Klaus Heinrich, a member of a struggling German duchy and an exotic American heiress who comes to live…

The Woman in White - version 2

Read by Tony Addison

Wilkie Collins

Possibly Wilkie Collins' most famous novel, The Woman In White remade the Gothic Horror novel by taking its characters and tropes and settin…

Daisy Miller: A Study in Two Parts (version 2 dramatic reading)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry James

Daisy Miller is an 1878 novella by Henry James first appearing in Cornhill Magazine in June–July 1879, and in book form the following year. …

The Metamorphosis (version 4)

Read by Phil Chenevert

Franz Kafka

This story, about a man who wakes up transformed into a bug and the repercussions it has on his life and the people around him, has intrigue…

The Three Sisters

Read by Expatriate

May Sinclair

Fascinated as she was by the lives of the Brontë siblings, May Sinclair loosely based her subtly sensual, quietly insurrectionary 1914 …

The Wings of the Dove

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Henry James

"The Wings of the Dove," published in 1902, represents to my memory a very old--if I shouldn't perhaps rather say a very young--mo…

Le Grand Meaulnes

Read by Christiane Jehanne


Roman très célèbre.Amour, amitiés, adolescenceSociété de l'époque, et aussi la NatureRoman …

Growth of the Soil

Read by Greg W.

Knut Hamsun

Growth of the Soil (Markens Grøde) is the novel by Norwegian writer Knut Hamsun which won him the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1920. …

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