

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Robert Frost

LibriVox volunteers bring you 12 recordings of Birches by Robert Frost. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for February 21st, 2010.

Pearl (Jewett translation)

Read by Jordan

The Gawain Poet and The Gawain Poettranslated Bysophie Jewett

Written in the 14th century by the Gawain poet, 'Pearl' is an elegiac poem reflecting on the death of a young daughter, pictured as a pearl …

The Turmoil (Growth Trilogy Vol 1)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Booth Tarkington

The Turmoil is the first novel in the 'Growth' trilogy, which also includes The Magnificent Ambersons (1918) and The Midlander (1923, retitl…

Louis Lambert

Read by Don W. Jenkins

Honoré de Balzac

Louis Lambert is an 1832 novel by French novelist and playwright Honoré de Balzac (1799–1850), included in the Études philosop…

Song (Poe version)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Edgar Allan Poe

LibriVox volunteers bring you 10 recordings of Song by Edgar Allan Poe. This was the Weekly Poetry project for July 10, 2011.Edgar Allan Poe…

Prefaces and Prologues to Famous Books

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Variousandcharles William Eliot

Charles W. Eliot, 21st President of Harvard University, edited this volume of prefaces ... authored by a Who's Who of World Literature: Baco…

The Revelation of Baha-ullah in a Sequence of Four Lessons

Read by Nicholas James Bridgewater

Isabella Matilda Davis Brittingham

Isabella Matilda Davis Brittingham was a significant early American Bahá'í and was posthumously designated by Shoghi Effendi a…

Raggedy Ann Stories (version 2)

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

Johnny Gruelle

This is the book that started it all. Johnny Gruelle gave his daughter Marcella a rag doll, on which he had drawn an eternally smiling face.…

Wallenstein - Ein dramatisches Gedicht

Read by redaer

Friedrich Schiller

Wallensteins Lager ist der erste Teil von Friedrich Schillers Wallenstein-Trilogie, dem Drama über den Niedergang des berühmten Fe…

David Copperfield (NL vertaling)

Read by Marcel Coenders

Charles Dickens

David Copperfield is een roman van Charles Dickens uit 1850. Zoals in vroeger eeuwen tamelijk gebruikelijk was, had het boek in werkelijkhei…

Ivanhoe NL

Read by Bart de Leeuw

Sir Walter Scott

Ivanhoe is een historische roman uit 1819 van Sir Walter Scott. Het verhaal speelt ten tijde van het bewind van koning Richard Leeuwenhart e…

The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson

Read by Arnold

Anthony Trollope

Billed as a satire concerning the dishonest advertising and business practices of the day, it tells the tale of an upstart clothing business…


Read by Clarica

Leolyn Louise Everett

This is a compilation and publication of sleep-related poetry, exalting the delight of sleep, as well as bemoaning the lack of it. (written …


Read by Rainer


Die "Nachtwachen" ist romantisches Werk von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann, das dieser unter dem Pseudonym "Bonaventura&qu…

Anything Once

Read by Roger Melin

Isabel Ostrander

An unlikely pair of wanderers they were; the orphan girl Lou and her travelling partner Jim Botts. Jim appeared in need of following some ap…

A Phantom Lover

Read by Anthony Leslie

Vernon Lee

A Phantom Lover is a supernatural novella by Vernon Lee (pseudonym of Violet Paget) first published in 1886. Set in a Kentish manor house, t…

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