
Ivanhoe NL

Read by Bart de Leeuw

Sir Walter Scott

Ivanhoe is een historische roman uit 1819 van Sir Walter Scott. Het verhaal speelt ten tijde van het bewind van koning Richard Leeuwenhart e…

The Struggles of Brown, Jones, and Robinson

Read by Arnold

Anthony Trollope

Billed as a satire concerning the dishonest advertising and business practices of the day, it tells the tale of an upstart clothing business…


Read by Clarica

Leolyn Louise Everett

This is a compilation and publication of sleep-related poetry, exalting the delight of sleep, as well as bemoaning the lack of it. (written …


Read by Rainer


Die "Nachtwachen" ist romantisches Werk von Ernst August Friedrich Klingemann, das dieser unter dem Pseudonym "Bonaventura&qu…

Anything Once

Read by Roger Melin

Isabel Ostrander

An unlikely pair of wanderers they were; the orphan girl Lou and her travelling partner Jim Botts. Jim appeared in need of following some ap…

A Phantom Lover

Read by Anthony Leslie

Vernon Lee

A Phantom Lover is a supernatural novella by Vernon Lee (pseudonym of Violet Paget) first published in 1886. Set in a Kentish manor house, t…

Eline Vere

Read by Carola Janssen

Louis Couperus

De 19e eeuwse klassieker Eline Vere speelt in de gegoede kringen van Den Haag. Eline is een jonge, mooie maar labiele vrouw die zich veel va…

His Family

Read by James E. Carson

Ernest Poole

The 1910s is historically considered the decade of greatest social change in history. It saw the advent and proliferation of the automobile,…

Schatzkästlein des Rheinischen Hausfreundes (Auswahl)

Read by Hans Otto Kroeger

Johann Peter Hebel

Der Kalender "Rheinländischer Hausfreund" erschien erstmals 1807, in dem „lehrreiche Nachrichten und lustige Geschichten“ ve…

Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden

Read by redaer

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagenden von Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 - 1832)Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre oder die Entsagen…

In a German Pension

Read by skoval

Katherine Mansfield

The first collected volume of short stories of the New Zealand modernist. Inspired by her own travels, Mansfield begins to refine her craft …

The Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. II

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

James Boswell

Boswell's famous work on the life of his admired friend Johnson, the formidable poet, essayist, moralist, literary critic, biographer, edito…

Die Menschen der Ehe

Read by Ragnar

John Henry Mackay

Ein Brief seiner Stiefschwester zieht den jungen Mann Franz Grach zurück in seine Heimatstadt. Konfrontiert mit der provinziellen Spie&…

Pierre and Luce

Read by Roger Melin

Romain Rolland

Pierre and Luce were an unlikely young pair who found themselves in the chaos of Paris during the war; Pierre, the shy, recently conscripted…

Monsieur Beaucaire

Read by Thomas A. Copeland

Booth Tarkington

A madcap Frenchman posing as an ambassador's barber blackmails a dishonest duke to introduce him as a nobleman to a wealthy belle of Bath. S…

Shakespeare Monologues Collection vol. 08

Read by LibriVox Volunteers

William Shakespeare

LibriVox readers present the eighth collection of monologues from Shakespeare’s plays. Containing 20 parts. William Shakespeare (April 26, 1…

Contending Forces

Read by Margaret Espaillat

Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins

Pauline Elizabeth Hopkins, despite an impressive record of productivity and creativity as a novelist, playwright, short fiction writer, edit…

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