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If They Ask for a Hand, Only Give Them a Finger

Read by Peter E. Abresch

Peter E. Abresch

When a public garage locked up Chance Dugan's car for the night, with his wallet locked inside the car, he met the lovely Natti Moon who off…

Omnilingual (Version 3)

Read by Trish E. Matson

H. Beam Piper

This short story published in 1957 is unusual for its time in that its protagonist is a female scientist, and there is no romantic subplot. …

Strangers at Lisconnel

Read by James E. Carson

Jane Barlow

Strangers at Lisconnel is a sequel to Jane Barlow’s Irish Idylls. The locations and most of the characters are common to both. There is grea…


Read by Norman E Williams

Norman E Williams

“Coleshanger people are pretty bad,” said Uncle Edward. “They won’t cross water after sunset. And they have to be in bed by midnight, otherw…

If They Ask for a Hand, Only Give Them a Finger

Read by Peter E. Abresch

Peter E. Abresch

When a public garage locked up Chance Dugan's car for the night, with his wallet locked inside the car, he met the lovely Natti Moon who off…

Short Account of the History of Mathematics

Read by Paul E J King

W. W. Rouse Ball

This is a history of mathematics from antiquity to the turn of the 20th century. (Summary by Paul King)

The Decorative Drama

In Studies in Stagecraft

Read by Noah Logan

Clayton Hamilton

A companion piece to Hamilton's earlier work, The Theory of the Theatre. Where that volume dealt with the criticism of dramatic art in gener…

Chapter I, A Preliminary Statement, Pt. 3

In Religion Without Revelation

Read by Noah Slowik

Julian S. Huxley

“There are many well-intentioned people to-day who will tell you that the conflict between science and religion is over. It is not so….The w…

Chapter the Third: Misfortunes Come Upon the Smith Family. Parts 1 and 2

In The Dream: a novel

Read by Noah Slowik

H. G. Wells

The story is set in a Utopian future. On an excursion, Sarnac, relates his vivid dream to his friends and recounts how he lived the entire l…

Chapter VI - The Battle of Chalons, AD 451 - Part 1

In The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World

Read by James E.

Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy

This work is Edward Creasy's best known fundamental work of history. It describes in detail 15 battles of world history, beginning with the …

CHAPTER XIX: Trophies, Buckskin and Rawhide

In The Book of Camping and Woodcraft: A Guidebook for Those Who Travel in the Wild…

Read by E Snow

Horace Kephart

In the Introduction to Camping and Woodcraft, Horace Kephart wrote: “My one aim in writing this little book is to make it of practical servi…

bk3_05 - Book the Third - Chapter 05 THE GOLDEN DUSTMAN FALLS INTO BAD COMPANY

In Our Mutual Friend

Read by E. Moulton

Charles Dickens

Dickens' last complete novel was published serially 1864-5. It begins with an intriguing fortune offered to John Harmon by his late father, …

Cana - Read by EMS

In Cana

Read by E Szydloski

James Freeman Clarke

LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 recordings of Cana by James Freeman Clarke, from The World's Best Poetry, edited by Bliss Carman. This was …

Der Engel

In Märchen

Read by Sigrid E.

Hans Christian Andersen

Angelehnt an dänische, deutsche und griechische Sagen und historische Begebenheiten, dem Volksglauben verbunden und inspiriert von lite…

Chapter 1

In Alexander's Bridge (version 2)

Read by E. Tavano

Willa Sibert Cather and Willa Cather

Bartley Alexander is a construction engineer and world-renowned builder of bridges going through what's known today (but not in 1912) as a m…

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