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bk3_05 - Book the Third - Chapter 05 THE GOLDEN DUSTMAN FALLS INTO BAD COMPANY

In Our Mutual Friend

Read by E. Moulton

Charles Dickens

Dickens' last complete novel was published serially 1864-5. It begins with an intriguing fortune offered to John Harmon by his late father, …

A Dog's Tale

In Short Story Collection Vol. 010

Read by E. Moulton

Mark Twain

LibriVox’s Short Story Collection 010: a collection of 10 short works of fiction in the public domain read by a variety of LibriVox members.

The Boys

In Little Men

Read by E. Moulton

Louisa May Alcott

Little Men (published 1871) is considered the second book of the Little Women trilogy written by Louisa May Alcott. (The book Good Wives (18…

Beowulf (version 2)

Read by Tad E.

Unknowntranslated Byfrancis Barton Gummere and Translated Byfrancis Barton Gummere

Beowulf was composed by an anonymous Anglo-Saxon poet. Francis Barton Gummere translates this beautiful poem. Beowulf is an epic poem. The m…

The Beautiful and Damned

Read by E. Tavano

F. Scott Fitzgerald

This novel tells the story of Anthony Patch, a 1920s socialite and presumptive heir to a tycoon's fortune; the relationship with his wife Gl…

Alexander's Bridge (version 2)

Read by E. Tavano

Willa Sibert Cather and Willa Cather

Bartley Alexander is a construction engineer and world-renowned builder of bridges going through what's known today (but not in 1912) as a m…

Irish Wit and Humor

Read by James E. Carson


Excerpted anecdotes from the biographies of Swift, Curran, O'Leary and O'Connell, relating humorous snippets of politics in 18th and 19th ce…


Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

Unkillable is the story of a young man who is cruelly murdered then brought back from the dead to revenge himself. The kicker is: He’s not r…

The Merchant Adventurer

Read by Patrick E. McLean

Patrick E. McLean

After countless heroes fail to overcome an evil Wizard, Boltac, humble shopkeeper, must answer the Call of Adventure and save his home and t…

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