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Elegant möblierte Zimmer

In Kunterbuntergang des Abendlandes. Grotesken

Read by Alice Kroll


Klabund (eigentlich Alfred Georg Hermann „Fredi“ Henschke) beschreibt in kurzen Geschichten, grotesk, humorvoll, überspitzt und zuweile…

Dolly and I: Story for Little Folks

Read by Victoria Alice Bell

Oliver Optic

Katherine Green an envious girl is given a pretty doll by her Aunt Jane. Christmastime is approaching... Nellie Green her sister who is quit…

The Cold Weather Coat

In The Tale of Solomon Owl

Read by Alice Hastie

Arthur Scott Bailey

Arthur Scott Bailey, a native of the state of Vermont, wrote over forty children's books using a variety of animals, birds and even insects …

Mr. Catbird's Trick

In The Tale of Bobby Bobolink

Read by Alice Hastie

Arthur Scott Bailey

Arthur Scott Bailey, a native of the state of Vermont, wrote over forty children's books using a variety of animals, birds and even insects …

What Came Of A Letter

In A Little Queen of Hearts

Read by Alice Jane

Ruth Ogden

A charming children's story following the trials and tribulations of the simple life of Marie-Celeste as she endears herself to everyone who…

Chapter XXVII - Eunice's Diary

In The Legacy of Cain

Read by Alice Hastie

Wilkie Collins

Eunice and Helena are sisters brought up by their father, the Reverend Abel Gracedieu. They grow up quietly and happily, until some dark sec…

Volume I Chapter V

In Violet Osborne - Trilogy

Read by Alice Hastie

Emily Ponsonby

"This book is in turns funny and sad. Violet Osborne is a very beloved child with no financial problems. She is both beautiful and good…

The Great Small Cat

In The Great Small Cat and Others

Read by Alice Armitt

May E. Southworth

A collection of seven tales about cats. Caution: Some of these tales have very sad endings. (Summary by MaryAnn)


In The Soft Side

Read by Alice Dodd

Henry James

Lauded author Henry James, best known for his seminal and highly influential novella The Turn of the Screw and his highly literate trans-con…

The Photographs

In Lotus Buds

Read by Alice Jane

Amy Wilson Carmichael

Amy Carmichael tells the story of work among the girls of India, who she calls "Lotus Buds". - Summary by Adele de Pignerolles