Search Results

Das Bürle

In Märchen 2

Read by Dr. Jochen Kulow

grimm, Jacob & Wilhelm Grimm and Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm

Anfang des 19. Jahrhundert begannen die Brüder Jacob und Wilhelm Grimm, traditionelle, bisher vor allem mündlich weitergegebene Er…

When Love Is Not Perfect

Read by Dr. Marie Sontag

Dr. Marie Sontag

Statistics show that as many as one out of every four adults experienced childhood abuse. Therapists agree that a key element in recovery f…

Kitab Adab al-Dunya w'al-Din (The Ethics of Religion and of this World)

Read by Youssef Safiljil (Dr. Fighter)

Abu al-Hasan Ali Ibn Muhammad Ibn Habib al-Mawardi

Al-Mawardi (Alboacen) was one of the famous Islamic authors and jurists. He was a well-known man in the “Abbassid” empire—a mature thinker w…

Food-Free at Last: How I Learned to Eat Air

Read by Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Dr. Robert Jones MD PhD DDS ODD

Food is a drug. Break the shackles of addiction and learn to eat air! In this detailed guide, Dr. Robert Jones, MD, PhD, DDS, ODD gives you …

The impacts of sea-level rise on coastal nations with and without mitigation

In 4 Degrees and Beyond International Climate Conference

Read by Jochen Hinkel


University of Oxford Podcasts

Leaving Home--A Maiden

In The Conquest

Read by Dr. Lyndon

Oscar Micheaux

"This is the true story of a negro who was discontented and the circumstances that were the outcome of that discontent." While co…

Plans for Escape

In The Radio Planet

Read by Dr. Lyndon

Ralph Milne Farley

Could you make a radio set? Don’t answer rashly. Don’t say that you have already built several. For note that we did not ask whether you cou…

Uncle Wiggily and Stubby Toes

In Uncle Wiggily's Story Book

Read by Dr. Lyndon

Howard R. Garis

Dear Children:This is a quite different book from any others you may have read about me. In this volume I have some adventures with real chi…