Search Results

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Frederick Douglass

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass is a memoir and treatise on abolition written by famous orator and ex-slave, Frederick Douglass.…

Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College

In Short Poetry Collection 030

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Thomas Gray

LibriVox’s Short Poetry Collection 030: a collection of 20 public-domain poems.

Chapter 3

In Howards End (version 2)

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Edward Morgan Forster and E. M. Forster

The Schlegels frequently encounter the Wilcoxes. The youngest, Helen, is rejected by the younger Wilcox brother, Paul. The eldest, Margaret,…

The Fisher’s Boy read by Jeanette Ferguson

In The Fisher's Boy

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Henry David Thoreau

LibriVox volunteers bring you 11 different recordings of the Fisher’s Boy by Henry David Thoreau. This was the weekly poetry project for the…

What think you I take my pen in hand? read by

In What Think You I Take my Pen in Hand?

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Walt Whitman

LibriVox volunteers bring you 15 different recordings of What think you I take my pen in hand? by Walt Whitman. This was the weekly poetry p…

Song (Behn version) read by Jeanette Ferguson

In Song (Behn version)

Read by Jeanette Ferguson

Aphra Behn

LibriVox volunteers bring you 8 different recordings of Song by Aphra Behn. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of May 6th, 2007…