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The New Life (La vita nuova)

Read by Mary J

Dante Alighieri

One of Dante's earliest works, La vita nuova or La vita nova (The New Life) is in a prosimetrum style, a combination of prose and verse, and…

La Vita Nuova

Read by Mary J

Dante Alighieri

In quella parte del libro della mia memoria dinanzi alla quale poco si potrebbe leggere, si trova una rubrica la quale dice Incipit Vita Nov…

The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommaso Campanella

Read by Mary J

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Michael Angelo and Campanella represent widely sundered, though almost contemporaneous, moments in the evolution of the Italian genius. Mich…

Under the Shadow of Etna: Sicilian Stories

Read by Mary J

Giovanni Verga

The short stories of Giovanni Verga, one of the leading authors of Italian verismo, or realism, tell mostly of working-class characters in r…

05 - Book third, The Story of the Seven Years' Wandering, part 1

In The Aeneid, prose translation

Read by Mary J


The Aeneid is the most famous Latin epic poem, written by Virgil in the 1st century BC. The story revolves around the legendary hero Aeneas,…

Il Vitalizio (seconda parte)

In Novelle per un Anno, vol. 10: Il Vecchio Dio

Read by Mary J

Luigi Pirandello

Novelle per un anno è una raccolta di 241 novelle scritte da Luigi Pirandello. Originariamente sono state pubblicate sul Corriere del…

Chapter XIV

In Mary: A Fiction

Read by Mary J

Mary Wollstonecraft

Eliza, Mary's mother, is obsessed with novels, rarely considers anyone but herself, and favours Mary's brother. She neglects her daughter, w…