Search Results

Anne of Green Gables (version 6)

Read by Woolly Bee

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Matthew and Marilla make plans to adopt a boy to help with farm chores but because of a mistake, Matthew finds a girl waiting at the train s…

The Tale of Freddie Firefly

Read by Woolly Bee

Arthur Scott Bailey

He was able to draw a deep breath again as they reached the field of red clover, where Peppery Polly Bumblebee settled quickly upon a clover…

A Courier to the South

In The Guns of Bull Run

Read by Woolly Bee

Joseph A. Altsheler

The first volume in the Civil War series, following the adventures of Harry Kenton, who leaves his home in Kentucky. He travels through dang…

03 - Wet Feet

In The Tale of Henrietta Hen

Read by Woolly Bee

Arthur Scott Bailey

The Tale of Henrietta Hen is a cute children's book filled with the adventures of a hen named Henrietta. (Summary by SarahParshall)


In Our Little Irish Cousin

Read by Woolly Bee

Mary Hazelton Blanchard Wade

This little book is intended to help American children (and adults) learn more about the children of Ireland, their culture and how they liv…

03 - Kabumpo and Pompa Disappear

In Kabumpo in Oz

Read by Woolly Bee

Ruth Plumly Thompson

Dear children: Do you like Elephants? Do you believe in Giants? And do you love all the jolly people of the Wonderful Land of Oz? Well then …

The Early Girl

In The Curious Book of Birds

Read by Woolly Bee

Abbie Farwell Brown

Now the interesting facts about birds we have always with us. We can find them out for ourselves, which is a very pleasant thing to do, or w…


In The Fairy Book

Read by Woolly Bee

Dinah Maria Mulock Craik

The sleeping beauty in the wood -- Hop-O'-My-Thumb -- Cinderella; or, the little glass slipper -- Adventures of John Dietrich -- Beauty and …

Poems by E. Estlin Cummings

In Eight Harvard Poets

Read by Woolly Bee

E. E. Cummings and John Dos Passos

"I will wade outtill my thighs are steeped in burn-ing flowersI will take the sun in my mouthand leap into the ripe airAlivewith closed…

Fire-Flowers - Read by WB

In Fire - Flowers

Read by Woolly Bee

E. Pauline Johnson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 recordings of Fire - Flowers by E. Pauline Johnson. This was the Fortnightly Poetry project for August 18,…

Adam and Eve

In Mother Stories from the Old Testament

Read by Woolly Bee

William James Mcglothlin

Mother Stories from the Old Testament is a book of the best stories from the Old Testament that mothers can tell their children. - Summary b…