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The Big Time

Read by Karen Savage

Fritz Leiber

A classic locked room mystery, in a not-so-classic setting. (Intro by Karen Savage)

What Katy Did (version 2)

Read by Karen Savage

Susan Coolidge

Follow the adventures of Katy Carr and her family, through good times and bad. (Summary by Karen Savage)

What Katy Did at School

Read by Karen Savage

Susan Coolidge

The continuing story of Katy Carr, recounting the time she spent at boarding school with her sister Clover. (Summary by Karen Savage)

The Story of the Treasure Seekers

Read by Karen Savage

E. Nesbit

This is the story of the Bastable children and their attempts to help the family finances by searching for treasure. (Summary by Karen Savag…

Nippon read by Karen Savage

In Nippon

Read by Karen Savage

Alfred Noyes

LibriVox volunteers bring you eleven recordings of Nippon by Alfred Noyes. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of June 9th, 2007…

The Story of Doctor Dolittle (version 3)

Read by Karen Savage

Hugh Lofting

After his parrot Polynesia teaches him to speak animal languages, Doctor Dolittle decides to abandon his human practice, and become an anima…

Kubla Khan read by Karen Savage

In Kubla Khan

Read by Karen Savage

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

LibriVox volunteers bring you 19 different recordings of Kubla Khan by Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This was the weekly poetry project for the w…

Dover Beach read by Karen Savage

In Dover Beach

Read by Karen Savage

Matthew Arnold

LibriVox volunteers bring you 9 different recordings of Dover Beach, by Matthew Arnold. This was the weekly poetry project for the week of A…

Foreign Lands read by Karen Savage

In Foreign Lands

Read by Karen Savage

LibriVox Weekly Poetry and Robert Louis Stevenson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 different recordings of Foreign Lands by Robert Louis Stevenson. This was the weekly poetry project for the…

I’m Nobody read by Karen Savage

In I'm Nobody

Read by Karen Savage

Emily Dickinson

LibriVox volunteers bring you 17 different recordings of I’m Nobody, by Emily Dickinson. Dickinson’s text of this poem contains two possible…

The Railway Children

Read by Karen Savage

E. Nesbit

Edith Nesbit’s classic story, in which three children, pulled suddenly from their comfortable suburban life, move to the country with their …

Pride and Prejudice (version 3)

Read by Karen Savage

Jane Austen

Pride and Prejudice is the most famous of Jane Austen’s novels, and its opening is one of the most famous lines in English literature - “It …

Anne of the Island (version 2)

Read by Karen Savage

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Anne is off to Redmond College! She will spend the next three years living and learning, making new friends, and deepening old friendships.O…

Anne of Green Gables (version 3)

Read by Karen Savage

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The timeless story of the young orphan girl sent by accident to a brother and sister who had wanted a boy, Anne, with her vivid imagination …

Anne of Avonlea (version 2)

Read by Karen Savage

Lucy Maud Montgomery

The second part in the story of Anne Shirley, covering her years of teaching at Avonlea School, before she heads off to college.Other books …

Persuasion (version 4)

Read by Karen Savage

Jane Austen

Several years before the events of the novel, Anne Elliott fell in love with a young and handsome but poor naval officer. She was persuaded …

Mansfield Park (version 2)

Read by Karen Savage

Jane Austen

Miss Frances, the youngest Ward sister, "married, in the common phrase, to disoblige her family, and by fixing on a lieutenant of marin…

Sense and Sensibility (version 4)

Read by Karen Savage

Jane Austen

When Mr Henry Dashwood dies, with his estate entailed to his son and grandson, his wife and three daughters are left in reduced circumstance…

The Scarlet Pimpernel

Read by Karen Savage

Baroness Emma Orczy

The classic story of Sir Percy Blakeney and his alter ego, the Scarlet Pimpernel. A great adventure, set during the French Revolution. (Summ…

The Secret Garden (version 2)

Read by Karen Savage

Frances Hodgson Burnett

Orphaned Mary Lennox is sent to live with her uncle in Yorkshire, and finds herself in a house full of secrets and mysteries.

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