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Spanish Lessons

In The Little Colonel's Knight Comes Riding

Read by Kayla S

Annie Fellows Johnston

In the previous book in this series, Lloyd was the maid of honor, but now it will be the Little Colonel's turn to be the bride. But who will…

The Shooting Stars

In The Romance of Modern Astronomy

Read by Kayla S

Hector Macpherson

From the series, The Library of Romance, the reader is introduced in this book to the modern astronomy of 1911. The author discusses our sol…

The Moors in Spain

Read by S S Kim

Stanley Lane-Poole

“The history of Spain offers us a melancholy contrast. Twelve hundred years ago, Tarik the Moor added the land of the Visigoths to the long …

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume I, From the Beginning until t…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became authority of Jewish history and an a…

Bismarck and the Foundation of the German Empire

Read by S S Kim

James Headlam-Morley

"It is hard to be an Emperor under such a Chancellor." lamented Wilhelm I, the first emperor of the German Empire. Otto von Bismar…

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland, Volume II, From the Death of Alexande…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became an authority of Jewish history and a…

History of the Jews in Russia and Poland Volume III, From the Accession of Nich…

Read by S S Kim

Simon Dubnow

Simon Dubnow was born in 1860 to a poor Jewish family in Belarussian town of Mstsislaw and later became authority of Jewish history and an a…

Ocherki proshlago : razskazy

Read by Maya S

Lev Osipovich Levanda

A collection of six short stories about life of a Jewish community in Poland. (Summary by MayaS)

Moo Cow Tales (Version 2)

Read by Alicia S.

Rosamund Edith Nesbit Bland

Four short children's stories regarding a family's barnyard cows and their comical adventures. - Summary by Alicia S

Where Evil Grows

Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

Where Evil Grows: Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll... from Hell. It's 1976. The rock group KISS is cool. Every teenager alive wishes they could…

Shape Shifters

Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

The sun sets. The moon rises. And the night howls... The people in the foothills town of Black Diamond are thrilled to hear of government pl…

The Tao Teh King

Read by Eric S. Piotrowski

Laozi 老子 and Lao Tzu

Lao-Tze's Tao Teh King illuminates The Tao: a guiding principle of the universe and all within it. By exploring the nature of dualities and …


Read by Casey S Townsend

Casey S Townsend

The world you know has changed. Science has been replaced by dark, supernatural forces and those that know how have harnessed them to contro…


Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

In a post-plague world where plants have suffered as much as animals, a colony of human survivors has gathered in a fortified former-luxury …

Chicken Pi

Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

Chicken Pi: Twisted tales intended for a mature audience. Horror, sci-fi, sci-fi/horror, and WTF. Be sure to subscribe to Chicken Pi; more t…

Yog-Sothoth's Box

Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

Heed not the limits of time and space,for the Ageless Ones know no such place.And man, that slave to light and life,should free himself with…

The Oregon Trail

Read by R. S. Steinberg

Francis Parkman, Jr.

The book is a breezy, first-person account of a 2 month summer tour of the U.S. states of Nebraska, Wyoming, Colorado, and Kansas when Parkm…

Origin Scroll

Read by Richard S. Tuttle

Richard S. Tuttle

Origin Scroll is the first volume of the Targa Trilogy and the cornerstone of the epic fantasy Alcea Collection which spans sixteen volumes …

Ancient Prophecy

Read by Richard S. Tuttle

Richard S. Tuttle

Ages ago, elves and dwarves unknowingly migrated between Universes via a Junction. Jenneva and Egam believe they have found a Junction and p…

At the Mountains of Madness: Requiem

Read by S. Lawrence Parrish

S. Lawrence Parrish

"Through ageless eons, the Dreamer sleepsIn lost R'lyeh, where Shoggoths creepWhere every moment they serve in dreadOf what dreams conv…

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