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The Red Hand

Read by Wanda White

Arthur Machen

Two London gentlemen ponder the evolution of humankind as they investigate a modern-day murder committed with an ancient tool. - Summary by…

Lesson 11. Cetacea. Part 1

In The Elements of Mammalogy

Read by Wanda White

William Ruschenberger

The Elements of Mammalogy is one of seven in a Series of First Books of Natural History Prepared for the Use of Schools and Colleges. This s…

Lincoln's First Inaugural Speech

In Noted Speeches of Abraham Lincoln

Read by Wanda White

Abraham Lincoln

A few of Lincoln's most famous speeches and the Lincoln-Douglas debate make for historic reading. (summary by David O)

Ch 3 - General Nature of Wounds

In War Surgery - From Firing Line to Base

Read by Wanda White

Basil Hughes

One of the first volumes dedicated to systematized medical treatment of soldiers in modern warfare, including a chapter on specific care for…

Antonio and Piero Pollaiuolo

In Lives of the Most Eminent Painters, Sculptors and Architects Vol 3

Read by Wanda White

Giorgio Vasari

The Lives of the Most Excellent Italian Painters, Sculptors, and Architects, from Cimabue to Our Times, or Le Vite de' più eccellenti…

Chapter II

In A Cursory History of Swearing

Read by Wanda White

Julian Sharman

This is a very readable scientific account of Swearing and Cursing in the English Language. Not only is an enlightening historical account g…

The Gearheart

Read by Alex White

Alex White

Jonathan Andrews, Initiate in the Seekers of the Arcane Unknown, joined the society two years ago with the hopes of protecting the secrets o…

The Gearheart: Maiden Flight of the Avenger

Read by Alex White

Alex White

Agent Augustus Elsworth is a Seeker of the Arcane Unknown, mechanic, pilot and thief... or so he believes. When he is caught trying to steal…

The Spirit Of Education

Read by Jeff White

Jeff White

What is education? It's a term we use every day to describe the process of putting 25 or 30 young souls into a cinder block room and fillin…

The Trolls of Lake Maebiewahnapoopie

Read by Jeff White

Jeff White

You may think you know about small towns. You may think you know about high school principals. You may think you know about high society poo…

Thirty Years A Slave

Read by James K. White

Louis Hughes

Louis Hughes was born a slave near Charlottesville, Virginia to a white father and a black slave woman. Throughout his life he worked mostly…

The Monk: A Romance

Read by James K. White

Matthew Lewis

Matthew Gregory Lewis's The Monk: A Romance is a story of frustrated and unrequited desire between mentor and pupil mixed with elements of t…

The Atrocities of the Pirates

Read by James K. White

Aaron Smith

In 1822, Aaron Smith, a young English seaman, was taken captive by Cuban pirates when his ship was boarded en route from Jamaica to England.…

White Jacket, or The World in a Man-of-War

Read by James K. White

Herman Melville

This is a tale based on Melville's experiences aboard the USS United States from 1843 to 1844. It comments on the harsh and brutal realities…

Narrative of the Life and Adventures of Henry Bibb, an American Slave

Read by James K. White

Henry Bibb

Henry Walton Bibb was born a slave. His father was white although his identity was not positively known. Bibb was separated from his mother …