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Mary Leapor

In Great Writers Inspire

Read by Jennifer Batt


University of Oxford Podcasts

Winning His Spurs: A Tale of the Crusades

Read by Jennifer Gasiecki

G. A. Henty

Set in the late twelfth century during the Third Crusade, the Norman Conquest having occurred not much more than a hundred years ago, Winnin…

The Girl Next Door

Read by Jennifer Dallman

Augusta Huiell Seaman

Marcia Brett has noticed unusual activity at the ramshackle and seemingly abandoned mansion next door: a mysterious, veiled lady is seen com…

Mabel Ross, the Sewing Girl

Read by Jennifer Fournier


Orphaned Mabel struggles to raise her sisters by working as a sewing girl for long hours and low wages. She meets her challenges with a calm…

Mary's Grammar: Interspersed with Stories and Intended for the Use of Children

Read by Jennifer Dallman

Jane Marcet

Mary's teacher has taxed her with the task of learning that most onerous of all parts of the English language: Grammar. Through stories and …

Cloud Studies

Read by Jennifer Dallman

Arthur William Clayden

Classification of clouds, and meteorological condition of how they are formed. Written by Arthur W. Clayden, M.A., who was the former princi…

The Republic of the Future

Read by Jennifer Fournier

Anna Bowman Dodd

or Socialism a Reality In the year 2050, Wolfgang travels to the socialist city of New York. He writes enthusiastically to his friend Hanne…

The Prairie Wife

Read by Jennifer Perree

Arthur Stringer

GeeGee has fallen, in love that is. Witty, funny, intelligent. Gee Gee's Letters to her friend tell the unscripted story of the adventures i…

Book Two, Sections IX-X

In Politics

Read by Jennifer

Aristotle (tr. Jowett) and Aristotle

The Politics, by the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle, is one of the most influential texts in political philosophy. In it, Aristotle exp…

The Cat and the Mouse in Partnership

In The Yellow Fairy Book

Read by Jennifer

Andrew Lang

"Andrew Lang's Fairy Books or Andrew Lang's "Coloured" Fairy Books are a twelve-book series of fairy tale collections. Althou…

Prometheus and Pandora

In Bulfinch’s Mythology: The Age of Fable

Read by Jennifer Stearns

Thomas Bulfinch

Bulfinch’s Mythology, first published in 1855, is one of the most popular collections of mythology of all time. It consists of three volumes…